Friday, December 20, 2013

How to Crochet a Doily in Bruges Lace

To do this doily you need to know the basics of making a bruges lace
tape, you can watch my videos on bruges lace on youtube at
My video on making the bruge lace tape is at My other bruges lace video is as 

The pattern goes from the beginning of the one cluster to the end of the same cluster which is 6 rows but our row one becomes row 7 (as we don’t do the beginning of row 1, so I changed it to row 7 to make it easier) so we repeat rows 2 to 7 till 7 clusters are made
To start we are starting where you see the 3dc increases except you are just trying to get your chains so the ch with the 3dc is still considered 1ch and then 2 more, so that gives you 3ch plus the 6ch for your loop. You are going from Left to Right. 
You need to look down on the row to do your row not up (so below the line is your row – if this helps)
Dc 3 tog  = yo, hook into specified st, pull up a loop, yo and draw hook through 2 loops (2 loops left), yo, hook into specified st, pull up a loop, yo and draw hook through 2 loops, yo hook into specified st, pull up a loop, yo and draw hook through 2 loops and through all st

3 Treble Together = *Wrap yarn around hook x2, insert hook into st (read pattern for either same st or into the next st), yarn over, bring a loop thru, yarn over, thru 2 loops, thru 2, leave rest on hook*, repeat till 3 trebles done, yarn over and thru all remaining loops.

Sc = single crochet,  Dc = double crochet,  Sp = space,  Tr = treble,  St = stitch, 
Ch = chain,  * * = work all in between the stars,  Tog = together,  yo – yarn over, ss = slip stitch


1.    Ch 9, 1dc in the 7th ch from hook, (From right to left on pattern) 1dc in the next st and 3dc in the next st, ch 6 turn
2.    (Left to right) 3dc in the next dc (incr) and 1dc in each of the next 4dc, ch6 and turn
3.    (Right to left) 1dc in each of the next 7dc, ch 6 and turn
4.    (Left to right) 1dc in each of the next 7dc, ch3 and join your 2 loops with a sc, ch3 and turn
5.    (right to left) 1dc in each of the next 4dc and dc the last 3 tog, ch 6 and turn
6.    (left to right) dc the next 3dc tog, 1dc in each of the next 2dc, ch 6 and turn
7.    (right to left) 1dc in each of the next 2dc, 3dc in the next 1dc(incr) ch6, turn
Repeat row 2 to 7 until you have 7 “clusters” finishing with row 6 but without doing the ch6

When you join your 2 sides together to form a circle make sure that the 3 loops you had joined tog are all facing inside the circle

MIDDLE SECTION – adding middle motif to the tape
Make a magic loop and crochet 21sc in it, ss into 1st st
4ch, 2Tr tog in the following 2 st, ch4 and sc in the sc of the tape where you sc the 3 loops  together , ch 4
*3Tr tog in the next 3 st, ch 4 and sc in the sc of the tape where you sc the 3 loops together, ch 4* repeat in between the stars,

     to the end, ss into the top of the first 3Tr you made and finish

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